Shri Bhagwatimata Temple - Prehistory design


         Shri Bhagwatimata temple faces the east. The old construction of the temple was of Hemandpanthi type. Later the temple's restoration work started. People couldnot catch the sight of the foundation of temple after digging 40-50 ft. or didnot get any rock inscription related to temple's creation. It witnesss the temple is since time immemorial. According to expert knowledgeable person the seulptures of tigers sculpted in the temple might to created in 13th century. In the past Kolhar Bhagwatipur was Jahangiri of Panodi (name of village). According to experts, about 250 years ago they built small temple of Bhagwatimata.

         There are many stories prevalent about origin of name of Kolhar Bhagwatipur. As narrated in Mahabharat, Gods and Devils fought for nector (Amrut). After churning of nectar fourteen gems (ratanas) were recovered. One of them was Amrut (nectar) drink of immortality. To drink Amrut, chief of devils (Danavshreshtha) Rahu mingled himself in God’s group at Newasa of A'Nagar district. Lord Vishnu, who was in Mohini appearance understood his deceit and he beheaded Rahu with his weapon- sudarshanchkra. Due to Rahu's death, fierce battle took place between Gods and Devils (Aasurs) at Pravara surrounding. Firece battle broke out in tumult (Kolahal). Due to this tumult Kolahal-Kolhal-Kolhar-this name is given to village. At this village tumult broke out. To calmdown tumult, Lord Shankar manifested himself and established Shri Bhagwati. Shri Bhagwati wiped away all the demons/ devils. Later to enquire about the well being of Devi/Bhagwati, her sisters Shri Bhavani Mata, Shri Renuka Mata, Shri Saptashrungi visited this place.

         As mentioned in one of the scriptures of Aalandi a religious place, Saint Dnyaneshwar stayed in Bhagwati Devi temple during his journey from Newasa to Aalandi. Later he moved towards Aalandi. At present in Mahadev temple, there is a huge stone statue of Nandi-vehicle of Lord Shiva (Shankar). In the ancient times, there was underground tunnel. That tunnel ended behind Bhagwatimata temple near Pohi-a small cannal of water. Now a days it is not visible anywhere. It is said that the first dood of the tunnel opens under the Mahadev's Pindi. According to mythologycal background Kolhar Bhagwatipur existed since. last 2000 years. According history researcher Dr. Sankaliya in Pravara Surrounding human life was existed since stone age. He proved with valid proof that since ancient time like Sindhu Sanskriti,Pravara Sanskriti was existed in Pravara surrounding.

         When Prabhu Shriram (Lord Ram) was going to Panchavati (Nasik) with brother Lakshman and wife Sitamai for 14 years dwelling in forest, they stayed on the bank of river. He made pinda (Statue of Lord Mahadev) with river sand and installed in the temple as kolhaleshwar. According to experts due to pronuciation of ko-lha-le-shwar this village got a name Shri Kolhar. On the same place Shri Bhagwati Mata appeared and illustrated Prabhu Ramchandra with blessings to put and end of evils/ devils. Due to the touch of purified steps of Shri Bhagwatimata, this place got the name 'Bhagwatipur' All devotees believe that during annual one month fair and Navratri three and half Shaktipeethas i.e. Tuljapur's Bhavani Mata, Mahur's Shri Renuka Mata, Vani's Shri Saptashrungimata and Kolhar Bhagwatipur's Shri Bhagwatimata stay in Kolhar Bhagwatipur.